
2012年9月29日 星期六




2012年9月28日 星期五

ICMCE Call for Articles(Guangzhou)

The 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2012)

The 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering will take place Guangzhou, China, November 29-30, 2012.

The conference provides an idea-exchange and discussion platform for the world’s engineers and academia to share cutting-edge information, address the hottest issue in 
Mechatronics and Control Engineering, explore new technologies, exchange and build upon ideas. We’re certain you will find the city of Nanning and the surrounding area to be most pleasant and it will be our distinct pleasure to welcome each of you to the ICMCE in November 2012.

The proceedings of ICMCE 2012 will be published on Applied Mechanics and Materialsby TTP publishing, and indexed by EI and ISTP.
Paper submission Due October 15 2012

Conference Topics
(I) Mechatronics
(II) Automatic Control and Information Technology
(III)  Advanced Manufacturing Technology and System

2012年9月26日 星期三

ICSEEE 2012 (China Guangzhou)

2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2012)
will take place in Guangzhou, China, December 29-30
Organized by:
Guangdong University of Business Studies, China
Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre

The purpose of this conference is to exchange experience and knowledge in regard to the theories, new developments and practical applications of Energy, Motivation and electrical engineering, Environmental, Resources. We highly encourage novel and innovative previously unpublished work, even reporting work in early stage.
All paper will be published on international journalApplied Mechanics and MaterialsEI Compendex & CPCI/ISTP Journal

ICSEEE 2012 has been included in TTP Conference List
Please sent us full paper on October 31th

Welcome to beautiful Guangzhou
 The organizer of ICSEEE










2012年9月25日 星期二

Call for papers_ICSBM2013

ICSBM'2013: 3rd International Conference on Structures and Building Materials 
The ICSBM 2013 will take place at Guiyang China, from March 9th to 10th, 2013. It is organized by Guizhou University, China
We invite you to participate in this conference for lecturers, researchers and technologists from all disciplines. You can submit your papers at ICSBM@VIP.163.COM  /submit before the October 31, 2012
This international conference will provide you an excellent opportunity to present and discuss your experiences in the fields of Civil Engineering/Architecture, Building Materials

Advanced Materials Research (Engineering Compendex Index and ISI Index ) will Published all accepted papers.
In addition, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful city of Guiyang.
We look forward to welcoming you to Guiyang.! 
Best regards

2012年9月24日 星期一

ICIST 2013 (Yangzhou, China)

Third IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2013 ) will be held in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China during March 23-25, and Phuket, Thailand during March 27-28, 2013, as a continuation with ICIST 2011 (Nanjing) and ICIST 2012 (Wuhan). Yangzhou is the main venue of ICIST 2013 , while Phuket is for special sessions. ICIST 2013 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, engineers and educators to present the state of the art of research and applications of information science and technology. The conference will feature plenary speeches given by world renowned scholars, regular sessions with broad coverage, and special sessions focusing on popular topics. 

Yangzhou is a famous scenic and cultural city with a long history of 2500 years. As a most famous poet named LI Bai described in his send-off poem, the early spring is the most agreeable season for the tourists to Yangzhou. As a central prefecture-level city in Jiangsu province, Yangzhou is located on the northern bank of Yangtze River and lying on the southern part of Jianghuai plain. Yangzhou boasts of picturesque scenery, splendid culture as well as long history. The most ancient canal in China, the emperor mausoleums of Han and Sui dynasty, ancient city remains of Tang and Song dynasty, private gardens of Ming and Qing dynasty, all are great inheritance from the past not only belonging to Yangzhou, but to the whole country. The Slender West Lake, Daming Temple, Geyuan Garden, will feast the tourist’s eyes with unique charm. The beautiful natural scenery along with the profound cultural connotations of Yangzhou, are looking forward to the grand occasion created b 
y ICIST 2013 in next March. 

Phuket, Thailand, is commonly referred to as the ‘Pearl of South’ in the Andaman Sea and is the largest island in Thailand. Phuket is blessed with magnificent coves and bays, powdery, palm- fringed white beaches, sparkling island-dotted seas, sincerely hospitable people, comfortable accommodation, superb seafood, lushly forested mountains, lovely waterfalls and parks, and delightful turn-of-the-century Indo/Portuguese and Chinese-influenced architecture which create an enchanting ambiance perfectly suited for tourists from around the world. 

Prospective authors are invited to contribute high-quality papers to ICIST 2013 as well as the post-conference workshop in Phuket. 

More information could be found at http://icist.mae.cuhk.edu.hk/ 

2013 IETICT (Beijing China)

2013 IET International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies will be held on 27th -29th, April 2013 in Beijing. IETICT2013 is sponsored by The Institution of Engineering and Technology(IET),and co-sponsored by Information Security Center, Beijing University of Posts and Communications. 
IETICT 2013 aims to provide an international academic platform for scholars in fields of information communications technologies to exchange ideas and latest research results. The conference includes not only the technical sessions, but also the invited sessions, keynote addresses. 
Original papers are invited and submitted papers should not be previously published or currently under review for any other publication. All the accepted papers will be published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), which will be indexed by IET INSPEC and EI Compendex. 

*Digital systems. 
*Electronics, computing and control 
*Quality, reliability, security & safety. 
*Semiconductors and device. 
*Software and systems engineering. 
*Fiber & cable communications. 
*Network architectures. 
*Secure communications. 
*Video and broadcasting. 
*Wireless and satellite communications. 

Important Dates: 
Paper Submission Deadline: Dec.12, 2012 
Acceptance Notification: Jan.15, 2013 
Final Manuscript Deadline: Mar.12, 2013 
Conference Date: April.27th-29th, 2013 

Contact Us: 


8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
(ASIACCS 2013)

8-10 May 2013, Hangzhou, China

Building on the success of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) and ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control (SIGSAC) formally established the annual ACM Symposium on InformAtion, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS). The inaugural ASIACCS was held in Taipei (2006). Since then the ASIACCS have been held in Singapore (2007), Tokyo (2008), Sydney (2009), Beijing (2010), Hong Kong (2011), and Seoul (2012). ASIACCS 2013 is the eighth conference of the series.

ASIACCS is a major international forum for information security researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore and exchange the newest cyber security ideas, breakthroughs, findings, techniques, tools, and experiences. We invite submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of computer and network security. Areas of interest for ASIACCS 2012 include, but are not limited to:
access control
identity management
privacy-enhancing technology
accounting and audit
Inference control and disclosure
security in ubiquitous computing
applied cryptography
information warfare
security management
intellectual-property protection
cloud computing security
intrusion detection
software security
data/system integrity
key management
trusted computing
data and application security
malware and botnets
wireless security
digital-rights management
mobile-computing security
web security
formal methods for security
operating system security

hardware-based security
phishing and countermeasures

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 30 November 2012, 23:59 UTC (Firm Deadline)
Acceptance Notification: 29 January 2013
Camera-ready Copy Due: 18 February 2013
Conference: 8-10 May 2013
Instructions for authors   Submissions must be written in English, and must be at most 10 pages in 10pt, double-column format excluding the bibliography and well-marked appendices, and at most 12 pages overall. Committee members are not required to read appendices, so the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions must be in ACM SIGPLAN format (http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm) with page numbers (so, LaTeX users should specify \documentclass[10pt,preprint]{sigplanconf}). No changes to margins, spacing, or font sizes (or anything else) are allowed from those specified by the style file. We reserve the right to request the source files for a submission to verify compliance with this requirement. Only PDF files will be accepted.

All submissions must be anonymized. An author's name should occur only in references to that author's related work, which should be referenced in the third person and not overtly distinguishable from the referenced work of others. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference or workshop. Simultaneous submission of the same work is not allowed. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference.

Accepted papers will be published by ACM Press in conference proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library. Final proceedings versions will be 10 pages in double-column ACM format, although authors will have the option of buying a limited number of additional pages. In addition to regular papers, some short papers could also be accepted and included in the proceedings.
Honorary Chair    Xiuyuan Yu: Hangzhou Normal University, China
General Co-Chairs
    Kefei Chen (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
    Qi Xie (Hangzhou Normal University)
    Weidong Qiu (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Program Co-Chairs
    Ninghui Li (Purdue University)
    Wen-Guey Tzeng (National Chiao Tung University)

Program Committee 
    To be announced.

【HSME2012 Call for Paper】

2012 International Conference of Health, Structure, Material and EnvironmentHSME 2012
Shenzhen, China, December 4-5, 2012国·深圳,2012124~5
2012 International Conference of Health, Structure, Material and Environment (HSME 2012) will be held inShenzhen,China, December 4-5, 2012. HSME 2012 has entered Publisher list:http://www.scientific.net/conference-719.
All accepted papers from HSME 2012 will also be published on international journal Advanced Materials Research and will be indexed in EI & ISTP Compendex.
The following topics are enthusiastically encouraged but not limited to:
Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline (投稿截止):October 10, 2012

Paper registration deadline (注册截止):November 1, 2012
Email:HSME2012@126.com   Tel:15327220059;    027- 87772193

2012年9月21日 星期五




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2012年9月19日 星期三

Invitation Letters -- 2nd AMMM Changsha

2nd/2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICA3M 2012)
November 17-18 Changsha
The goal of 2nd AMMM is the broad coverage and dissemination of foundational research in design, materials, manufacturing, information technology among researchers, academics, and industry practitioners.
Contributed papers
Contributed papers are intended to present complete descriptions of finished work. Prospective authors should submit their papers electronically in Word/PDF format. Detailed instructions for paper submission will be available soon on the conference website.
Important Dates
Final paper submission September 30
The working language of this conference is English and all papers submitted should be written in English, with the research field being practical, innovative and related to the theme of the conference, and more importantly have not been openly published.
Please submit your paper by Email attachment to ICAMMM@VIP.163.COM
For more information about the layout format, please visit the conference website.
All accepted papers will be published on international journal "Applied Mechanics and Materials" and will be indexed in databases, including EI Compendex and Thomson ISI (ISTP).Some selected excellent papers will be published on SCI and other EI journals.

2012年9月18日 星期二

Invitation Letter--CMME 2012

2nd  International Conference on Chemical, Material and Metallurgical Engineering
(ICCMME 2012)

15-16 December, 2012
Kunming, China

A) About the conference
Research fields:
Session 1: Chemical Engineering and Technology
Session 2: Advances in Chemistry Research
Session 3: Material Science and Engineering
Session 4: Metallurgy and Mining Engineering

A key aspect of this conference is the strong mixture of academia and industry. This allows for the free exchange of ideas and challenges faced by these two key stakeholders and encourage future collaboration between members of these groups. We are looking forward to your attendance.

Co-organized by:
Wuhan University of Science and Techmology, China
Auckland University of Techonoly,NTZ
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Guangxi University, China
B) Paper refereeing and publication
The paper submitted should be of practical and academic value and has not been openly published. Please visit the conference website for more information about the layout format and the way of submission. All accepted papers will be published on international journal"Advanced Materials Research" and will be indexed in the major academic databases, including EI Compendex, Thomson ISI (ISTP), and other indexing services. Some selected excellent papers will be published on other journals.

C) Important dates
Paper submission: Before Oct. 20th, 2012 (it is unnecessary to submit a abstract in advance)
Notice on Paper acceptation or rejection: 2-3 weeks after submission

2012年9月17日 星期一

plot 的初階使用

如果要比較 OCTAVE 與 MATLAB 最大的差別應該就是繪圖功能,由於OCTAVE利用 GnuPlot 來繪圖,操作介面跟 MATLAB有明顯的不同。所以今天講的內容僅限MATLAB使用,若使用OCTAVE效果無法預期!

若簡單使用PLOT,只要把X軸的值與相對應的Y值存放在兩個變數中(假設是y與x),只要在命令列中輸入 plot(x,y) 就會自動繪製圖型了。

>> x=-3:0.1:9;
>> y=x.^2-6*x-10;
>> plot(x,y);




>> x=0:0.1:15;
>> y=chi2pdf(x,4);
>> plot(x,y);

2012年9月15日 星期六

用 plot 繪製卡方分配圖

 如果要比較 OCTAVE 與 MATLAB 最大的差別應該就是繪圖功能。由於OCTAVE利用 GnuPlot 來繪圖,操作介面跟 MATLAB有明顯的不同。