
2012年12月28日 星期五




2012年12月26日 星期三

2013 International Conference on Advanced ICT for Education (ICAICTE2013)

2013 International Conference on Advanced ICT for Education (ICAICTE2013) 

The 2013 International Conference on Advanced ICT(Information and Communication Technology) for Education (ICAICTE2013), which will be held on September 20-22, 2013 in Hainan, China. Hainan is an island in the South of China. Hainan is China’s version of Hawaii and it is becoming more popular with international tourists as well. Residents from many countries, including the US and Canada, can visit the island without a visa.
The ICAICTE2013 focuses on using ICT in education which includes practice, technology and theory. Since ancient times, research in education has never been discontinued. In particular, with the emergence of ICT which evolve very quickly, so has the changes in the research of education (e.g. theory and practice which go with these evolving technologies).
The use of ICT in education is becoming ever more important. ICT is the medium of young people and plays a pivotal role in their lives. ICT can significantly reinforce and deepen knowledge and understanding. Nowadays, many researchers focus on promoting, coordinating and facilitating the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance teaching and student learning.
The aim of this conference is to provide a worldwide forum, where the international participants can share their research knowledge and ideas on the recent and latest research on AICTE and map out the directions for future researchers and collaborations. Researchers and graduate students are welcomed to participate in the conference to exchange research findings in the frontier areas of Computers in Education.
The ICAICTE 2013 conference proceeding will proudly published by ATLANTIS PRESS , which will be submitted for indexing to Thomson ISI ( ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Scopus (by Elsevier) and EI/Compendex
Selected papers will be invited to submit their revised/enhanced version to International Journals (Ei Compendex):

All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format.

Important dates
Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2013
Acceptance Notification: April 25, 2013
Final Paper Submission: June 10, 2013
Registration fees: June 10, 2013
Conference : September 20-22, 2013

PC Contact Information

2012年12月22日 星期六



2012年12月11日 星期二

Conference Notice of ICMII 2013

2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics 
(ICMII 2013)
Guangzhou China
March 13-14
The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
The ICMII conferences cover all aspects of Information Technology including
Electronic Science and Technology
Information and Communication Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
Automation and Instruments
Internet, E-commerce and Multimedia Technology

After a strict refereeing process, all accepted papers will be published in the International Journal:  "Applied Mechanics and Materials". All accepted papers will be abstracted and indexed in EI Compendex, Web of Science (CPCI/ISTP),
Deadline of Full Paper submission  January20, 2013



2012年12月7日 星期五




2012年12月5日 星期三



2012年12月3日 星期一

2013 資訊技術應用及管理研討會

資訊技術應用及管理研討會(Information Technologies Applications and Management Conference, ITAMC2013)


重要日程 Important Date

1/02 投稿開始
4/09 投稿截止
4/29 通知接受
5/03 完稿上傳
5/31 舉辦研討會


資訊教育與科技應用研討會 IETAC 2013

第六屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會(Information Education and Technological Application Conference, 簡稱IETAC)

徵求論文及專題競賽 (IETAC 2013 Call For Papers and Project Competition)
資訊教育與科技應用研討會(簡稱 IETAC)為一個探究資訊教育(含學習)與科技應用之學術研討會。本研討會由僑光、弘光、修平與中臺等科技大學聯合主辦。今年度為第六屆,由僑光科技大學承辦,深盼諸位學者專家給予支持與愛護,擴大參與,並投稿論文或實務經驗報告於研討會上發表。此外,本屆研討會將遴選數篇傑出論文,頒發五篇「最佳論文獎」與「佳作論文獎」若干篇,並設「專題競賽」,邀請專題實務傑出作品參與展示競賽,預計遴選各組前三名及佳作數名,頒贈獎座、獎狀及獎金。

日期:3/29/2013 (五)

2012年12月1日 星期六

Excel 函式 VLOOKUP 的用法

對於資料庫熟識的人而言,將兩個表格 join;或者透過相同欄位將不同資料合併在一起,這些都是常見的運算。可是對於電腦程式不是很熟的人,EXCEL 中的 vlookup 與 hlookup 倒是可以助一臂之力。

如下圖: 現在我們想將 F1:G4 的資料填入A1:B12 中。也就是比較左右兩邊表格,將具有相同座號的地點填入左方的表格。



第二步: 在 B2的格子內填入
=vlookup(a2, f2:g4, 2)

為了要能快速複製B2內的函數,需將第2個參數以絕對位址表示,也就是 $f$2:$g$4

在B5中,由於右方表格中沒有座號為2013的欄位值,電腦會自動找小於該值的地區值來取代,也就是"桃園"。在B2中,右方表格也沒有2010的欄位值,且也沒有比2010小的地區值,所以呈現 #N/A。

若要兩邊的座號值完全相同才顯示地區值時,在vlookup函式中要加入第4個參數: false。電腦預設第4個參數值是TRUE,沒有加入第4個參數就代表是TRUE。

現在將B2改成 =vlookup(a2, $f$2:$g$4, 2, false)
並自動填滿至B12, 其結果如下

以上結果雖然正確,但對於沒有相同鍵值的結果顯示 #N/A,這有點惱人!為了消除這個討厭的 #N/A,我們可以利用 =ISNA() 這個函式。

當參數等於 #N/A 時,ISNA(參數) 傳回TRUE,

因此 B2 修訂為  =if(isna(vlookup(a2, $f$2:$g$4, 2, false) ), "0", vlookup(a2, $f$2:$g$4, 2, false))



-- END ---

2012年11月27日 星期二



2012年11月22日 星期四


2013 International Conference on Psychology, Management and Social Science 
January 23-24, 2013, Shenzhen, China
 2013 International Conference on Psychology,Management and Social Science (PMSS 2013) will be held on January 23-24, 2013 at Shenzhen, China.
 PMSS 2013 has been entered IERI Publisher conference websitehttp://www.ier-institute.org
 All accepted papers will be published in Advances in Education Research (ISSN:2160-1070), which will be indexed by CPCI-SSH (ISSHP). Advances in Education Research has been indexed by CPCI-SSH since the first volume. 
 所有录用的论文将被CPCI-SSH(ISSHP)检索,Advances in Education Research (ISSN:2160-1070)出版的2011年和2012所有文章已经被CPCI-SSH(ISSHP)检索
 Submisstion system投稿系统https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pmss2013
 PMSS 2013可接受中英文投稿,但中文稿件需要有英文的题目、摘要、关键词和参考文献。
 Submission Due 截稿时间:December 25, 2012
 Registration Due 注册截止:December 30, 2012
 English Paper Format: http://www.pmss-conf.org/enformat.rtf
 Chinese Paper Format: http://www.pmss-conf.org/cnformat.rtf
 Contact: pmss2013@163.com;  +86 (0) 15907163921       

2012年11月20日 星期二

ICMSE2013 Conference-Call for Papers

4th  International Conference on  Manufacturing Science and Engineering   (ICMSE 2013)

The objectives of 2013 International Conference on 
Manufacturing Science and Engineering are to foster research on the Manufacturing, Materials, ElectronicsAutomation, to promote related international cooperation among scientists and engineers and to provide means for the public dissemination of the results from these efforts.

ICMSE 2013 will be held in Dalian, China, from March 30 to 31, 2013 and is co-organized by
Northeastern University, China
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Jilin University, China

All potential attendees should submit the paper no later than January 20, 2013.
The committee will sent each received paper experts for reviewing.

Accepted papers will be published on international journal 
advanced material research and will be indexed in the major academic databases, including EI Compendex, Thomson ISI (ISTP), and other indexing services.

安裝 Octave 的 package

Octave 的 package 就像 Matlab 的 toolbox一樣,有許多附加的功能。當 Octave 剛安裝完成的時候,並沒有將 Package 安裝在內,所以我們要自己來動手裝裝看。

先啟動 Octave,利用指令 pkg list 來檢查看看裝了多少package?

剛裝好的 Octave 只有一個package, 就是 java

2012年11月13日 星期二

2013 Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (SC2-2013)

Call for Papers

2013 Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (SC2-2013)
Mar. 14-15, 2013
Tainan, Taiwan

The 2013 Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing will be hosted by National Cheng Kung University on Mar. 14 and 15, 2013. The goal of Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing 2013 (SC^2 2013) is to bring together, researchers, developers, government sectors, and industrial vendors that are interested in cloud and services computing. The symposium will provide a forum for interested parties to exchange ideas and latest research results towards the rapid development of cloud and services computing technologies. A broad spectrum of issues of cloud and services computing will be addressed, and interested parties are encouraged to submit papers to SC^2.

Suggested topics for paper submissions include but are not limited to:
l   Cloud Architecture, System, Middleware and Toolkits
l   Storage Architectures
l   Virtualization Techniques
l   Resource Provision, Monitoring, and Scheduling
l   Privacy and Access Control for Cloud Computing
l   Performance Evaluation and Modeling Measurement for Cloud Computing
l   Programming Models for Building Cloud Applications
l   Networking in Cloud Computing
l   Security of Services
l   Energy Efficient Hardware and Software Solutions
l   High Availability and Reliability
l   Large Scale Cloud Applications
l   Big Data Processing
l   Services Oriented Architecture
l   Discovery of Services and Data in Cloud Computing Infrastructures
l   Foundations of Services Computing
l   Services-Centric Business Models
l   Business Process Integration and Management
Paper Submission
Paper submissions should be formatted according to the IEEE standard double-column format with a font size 10 pt or larger. Paper must be written in English. Each paper is limited to 8 pages in length, including tables and figures. Each paper must include an abstract, four to eight keywords, and the email address of the corresponding author. Should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the work. The manuscript should be submitted to the following URL:https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sc22013
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 2013.01.11
Notification to authors: 2013.02.05
Camera-ready paper: 2013.02.18
Registration: TBA
Conference Date: 2013.03.14-03.15

2012年11月11日 星期日




2012年11月9日 星期五

Conference Notice of ICSBM 2013

ICSBM'2013: 3rd International Conference on Structures and Building Materials
March 9-10,2012
Guizhou University, China are proud to host 3rd International Conference on Structures and Building Materials.
The joint conference provides a major forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of recent developments in all civil engineering, Architectural and Building Materials research fields. Researchers, engineers, industry representatives and public officials from all over the world will meet to discuss and tackle new challenges regarding all fields of above.
The icsbm organizing committee invite everyone interested in these subject to attend and participate in this upcoming event in Guiyang, China.
After a careful refereeing process, accepted papers will be published on international journal  and will be indexed in the major academic databases, including EI Compendex, Thomson ISI (ISTP), and other indexing services.
Paper submission due:    December 15, 2012
You can get more information by attention to conference web

2012年11月8日 星期四


前幾天收到一份快遞,才赫然想起這個報名已久的活動:New Balance 動物園路跑賽。我們可是全家報名,一人要價400大洋,共花費了1600元。這大概是第一次參加要花錢的路跑活動,以前都是自由免費的路跑活動。雖然花了錢,但大會還是有附贈一些禮物,最主要的還是能在動物園裡面慢跑,一邊跑步還可以一邊被猴子看,不用到大馬路上跟汽車鬥陣!


2012年11月7日 星期三

ETC 初體驗




2012年11月2日 星期五

安裝 Octave 3.6.2


廢話少說,趕快開始吧!首先到octave的首頁: sf.net/projects/octave


2012年10月30日 星期二

Philips WP3811 濾水器安裝



這就是新買的 PHILIPS WP3811濾水器



我們家的水龍頭 (難道它是稀貨?)













--- END ---

Conference Notice of 2012 ICNPE Invitation

The 2012 International Conference on Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering  (ICNPE 2012)

The 2012 International Conference on Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering (ICNPE 2012)  will be held December  24-25, 2012 at the Guilin, China.

This year’s conference will feature plenary sessions, parallel topical sessions. We expect it to be as successful, both scientifically and socially, as the previous editions.

Topics include all sorts of Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering etc.

Please prepare your paper in MS Word according to the following instructions. And submit your papers and the Paper Submission Form by email attachments to ICNPE@188.COM by the given deadline (it is unnecessary to submit a abstract in advance). All papers should be no less than 4 pages in length and must be written in strict accordance with the format. Shorter papers should not be included in the journal.

All accepted papers will be published on international journal  and will be indexed by EI Compendex, Thomson ISI (ISTP)

Paper submission Due: November 25th

2012年10月26日 星期五

來去 TANET2012


2012年10月24日 星期三


有句俗話:「 不到北京,不知官小;不到上海,不知錢少;不到海南島,不知身體不好」。到了鳶山頂,才發現照相機不好。個人對於旅遊要帶著笨重的單眼相機引以為拙,自己總是拿著小傻瓜到處拍拍,總能自得其樂。可是今天趁著空檔想到平時擠不進去的鳶山拍個照,但天陰陰、毛毛雨,我想再好的相機也沒什麼路用吧!



2012年10月19日 星期五

【HSME2012 Call for Paper】

2012 International Conference of Health, Structure, Material and EnvironmentHSME 2012
Shenzhen, China, December 4-5, 2012国·深圳,2012124~5
2012 International Conference of Health, Structure, Material and Environment (HSME 2012) will be held inShenzhen,China, December 4-5, 2012. HSME 2012 has entered Publisher list:http://www.scientific.net/conference-719.
All accepted papers from HSME 2012 will also be published on international journal Advanced Materials Research and will be indexed in EI & ISTP Compendex.
The following topics are enthusiastically encouraged but not limited to:
Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline (投稿截止):October 25, 2012

Paper registration deadline (注册截止):November 1, 2012
Email:HSME2012@126.com   Tel:15327220059;    027- 87772193




2012年10月18日 星期四


蘭陽博物館就在台2縣,濱海公路邊,烏石港的旁邊。特殊的外觀,只要經過就會被它特殊的造型所吸引。從蔣渭水高速公路 (就是北宜高啦)頭城交流道下,十分鐘就可以抵達。

2012年10月16日 星期二

ICEEIM 2013 (Beijing, China)

submited for indexing to Thomson ISI ( ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Scopus (by Elsevier) and EI/Compendex

2013 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business and Information Management (ICEEIM 2013) will be held in Beijing, China during March 14-15, 2013. The aim objective of ICEEIM 2013 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Information, Business and Education Technology. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
ICEEIM 2013 ONLY accepts unpublished research papers. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding by Atlantis Press and be online available in full text via the publication platform, then be submited for indexing to Thomson ISI ( ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Scopus (by Elsevier) and EI/Compendex.The excellent papers presented at the conference will be selected for publishing in some International Journals which are indexed by Scopus, SCI or EI.
Some excellent papers(after extension) will be recommended to International Journals:
Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903) , indexed by EI
Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292) , indexed by EI, Scopus and SCI
Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220) , indexed by Scopus, SCI, Impact Factor: 2.060 (2011) Important Date chtsai
Paper Submission (Full Paper)           Before November 30, 2012
Notification of Acceptance              On December 15, 2012
Final Paper Submission                Before December 30, 2012
Conference Dates                     March 14-15, 2013
Email: iceeim@163.com ( .pdf and .doc)
e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, e-Health Technologies, Emerging Technologies ,Entrepreneurship, Environmental Technology Management, Financing and commercializing innovation, Global Production Network, Green Technologies, Human Resource Management, Human resource management issues in innovation, Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies, Industrial and Systems Engineering ,Industrial Engineering, Industrial, Mechanical, Systems Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Technology Management ,Innovation and management issues within multinational corporations, Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources, Innovation for low-income markets and social innovation, Innovation for sustainable development, Innovation in services, logistics and supply-chain management, Innovation Policy and Management, Innovation, Management and Technology, Intellectual property and knowledge management, Intellectual Property Right and Patent, IT Management: e-Government, Health Informatics, e-Commerce, Key (converging) technologies (nano-, bio-, ICT technology) Knowledge Management, Logistics and Scheduling, Machinery and Machine Design, Manufacturing and Production Processes, Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Management of Innovation and Technology, Management of Nuclear / Energy Technologies, Management of Technology Education and Research, Management of Technology for the Knowledge Economy, Management of Technology in Developing Countries, Managing collaborative innovation, Managing IT and E-Commerce, National and Regional Systems of Innovation, New Product / Service Development, New Product Development, Organizational innovation, Process Innovation, Project and Program Management, Project Management, Research and Development Management, Regional innovation systems, clusters and industrial networks, Risk and Security Management, Risk Management, Semantic Web and Ontology Management Technology, Service Science and Innovation, Six Sigma and Quality Management, Small and Medium Enterprises, Social impact of technology development, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Innovation and Technology Incubation, Technological Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions, Technological innovation, product innovation and industrial innovation, Technology Foresight and Forecasting, Technology in the Financial / Services Sector, Technology Intelligence and Planning, Technology Strategy, Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization, Telecommunications Technology, Health Services, and Technology Assessment, Telemedicine Technologies and Telehealth Services, The Integration of Technology and Business Strategies, Theory of Technology, Water Desalination Technologies, Web Technologies and Information Management, Information Technology, Computer Science, Communication Technology, Education Science, Sports Education , Information Management chtsai

Conference General Contact
E-mail: iceeim@163.com
Tel: +86-13146590575